global outreach

At Church of the Saviour, our mission is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ in Wayne and beyond. We are engaged in multiple ministries to the nations represented in our community, and we support Global Partners worldwide who are reaching the unreached. Contact Leigha, our Global Outreach Director, to get involved! 

2025 GO Experience!

Global Outreach is excited to invite you to “GO Experience” what God is doing in the world by offering two short-term mission trips for the summer of 2025! Our focus for each of these trips is to encounter the Hindu or Muslim world, engage in the ministries of our Global Partners, or explore possibilities to serve in an unreached part of the world where we hope to develop long-term partnerships. Apply today!

ESL Conversation Classes

We offer conversational ESL classes on Saturday mornings for a 10-week Fall and Spring Session. Class will resume for the Spring Session on February 22nd!

Our students have represented around 30 different nationalities from a wide variety of backgrounds. Each semester ends with a celebratory potluck - the highlight of the year!

Are you a newcomer to the USA or do you know people who would be interested in polishing their English skills while connecting with other internationals? Sign up below or head to

We are also inviting Community Groups to sign up to serve through providing snacks and conversation practice during break. Come see what God is doing through our ESL Ministry!

Refugee Resettlement

We are committed to reciprocal friendships and holistic care for families who are living in our surrounding area after having been displaced from their home countries. Our refugee resettlement teams have the honor of being some of the first friendly faces to welcome people who have walked through unimaginable trauma. Aside from demonstrating Christ’s love and compassion, we assist with securing housing, job placement, school enrollment, transportation to appointments, and other aspects of becoming independent in a new country. Teams maintain relationships after resettlement through continued interactions. 

International Students

God is drawing thousands of students from the nations right to our backyard to attend area universities. We welcome International Students with our annual furniture giveaway, games, and brunch during Labor Day weekend. Many volunteers are needed to donate household items and furniture, to transport students and help with deliveries, and to be a welcoming presence throughout the event.

Do you want to go deeper? Many international students are curious about our culture, food, and faith, and are hungry for relationships. We host monthly gatherings where we enjoy a meal, cultural activities, and a chance to connect in a deeper way, such as a Friendsgiving event in the fall, or a Hot Pot Night for Lunar New Year in the winter. 

Global Outreach Prayer 

Our GO Prayer Team knows that all movements to Christ have at least one thing in common: extraordinary prayer. If we want to reach the nations, we need to be committed to prayer as our foundation. Consider joining our prayer team, which usually meets the third Sunday of the month in the Prayer Room (B216) following 2nd service.

Upcoming Prayer Gatherings:
March 16: Flatbread Fast for the Muslim World
April 27* (4th Sunday)
May 18

Global Partners

At Church of the Saviour, we are "all-in" for reaching unreached people groups. We seek to be a church filled with longing to be used by God to reach two prevalent least-reached people groups globally through prayer-born, Spirit-led and empowered plans that transform broken relationship, engage biblical injustices, meet real needs, heal real hurts, and bring forgiveness and reconciliation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  

Meet and pray for our Global Partners faithfully serving around the world!


Ted & Dana Witmer

The Witmers serve at Shalom University in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ted in Old Testament and Dana in Medicine. They also lead the university’s office of development to help meet the needs of a university that is raising up Christian leaders. 

Christi Armstrong

Christi serves as a Special Education teacher in the Balkans sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ through training families, teachers, and professionals who care for and work with children with disabilities.

Timur Topuz

Timur serves as a pastor in Istanbul, Turkey, and is the chair of the Istanbul Protestant Church Foundation. His strategic role allows him to cast vision during a time of changing dynamics in this Muslim majority nation.

Tricia Towle

Tricia works in Albania as an audiologist and patient advocate. She helps those in need receive low-cost hearing aids and state-sponsored cochlear implants. She also helps parents develop their deaf child's speech and language post-implantation.

Mades & Sopheary Meas

Mades serves as the pastor of a Cambodian church in Santa Ana, California, which has the largest population of Cambodians in the United States. They also provide support and mentoring for student ministry leaders in Cambodia.

Geoff & Jillian Wright

Jillian grew up at COS and felt called to serve in Montreal on a student ministry trip. She and Geoff have been church planters and leadership developers in the highly diverse Montreal metro area of French-speaking Quebec since 2017.

Bill & Kristie Campbell

Bill & Kristie are originally from Philadelphia and have been based in Paris, France, as church planters since early 2011. They pray and labor to see a great move of God in Europe, where they also reach out to the immigrant community, especially North African Muslims.

Scott & Jacqui Curley

Scott is the pastor of a very diverse church in Warsaw, Poland. The church has developed leaders to pastor churches back in India, and is launching a Hindi-speaking church plant in their city to reach Hindus within the next year.

Todd & Sue Corl

Todd helps international students at Penn, Drexel, and Temple discover who Jesus is and how to follow Him. Sue provides conferences and discipleship training for women from impoverished and unreached nations to find their identity in Christ.

The Z Family

Despite persecution, our Global Partners in East Asia are spreading the good news of Jesus and seeing much fruit.

The T Family

These Global Partners are committed to sharing the good news with and discipling locals in the Middle East.

The E Family

Pastoring a church in the Balkans, these Global Partners are reaching out to their Muslim community and encouraging minority believers to do the same.

Mike & Lorina Barbalas

After four decades working in a large country in East Asia, Mike and Lorina are now at their mobilization base in the US, helping new workers to the field with cross-cultural training.

The P Family

Serving in a strategic role across northern Thailand, our Global Partners provide training and support for churches as they reach minorities and refugees in the region.


Steve & Arlene Richardson

Steve is the President of Pioneers, with 3,100 global members working among 500+ unreached people groups, and a bold vision to see 250 more unreached people groups engaged with the gospel by 2034.

Frank & Linda

Frank equips and mentors national leaders who are using Media to Movements for church planting in closed countries, and Linda offers pastoral counseling, transition coaching and debriefing at critical times of need in cross-cultural workers’ lives.

Keith Swartley

Keith leads Encountering Muslims, teaching Christians to lovingly engage Muslims and introduce them to the Jesus of the Bible. 

Michael Oh

Michael Oh is global executive director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement, which connects influencers and ideas for global mission. He also serves as chairman of the board of directors for CBI and chancellor of Christ Bible Seminary.

Mark & Anne Bradley

Fran & Sue Patt

The Bradleys serve with Crossworld to improve the quality of education in Haiti’s Christian schools. Through equipping school leaders, the Bradleys seek to strengthen Christian leadership and make Christ the center of every classroom.
The Patts work with Frontier Ventures, formerly the U.S. Center for World Mission. Fran is the Legal Manager for the mission and Sue is the Chief Strategy officer.

Jim & Sterling

The C Family

Jim and Sterling serve with Frontier Ventures, where they provide conferences and training for the Next Generation of cross-cultural disciple makers, including national church planters.
After many years serving in the Balkans themselves, these Global Partners provide leadership with Greater Europe Mission, supporting cross-cultural disciple makers across Europe.

Elisabeth Berger

Elisabeth serves as the VP of Community Life at Crossworld, leading the training, orientation, and preparation for new cross-cultural workers who are bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces.

Sharon M.

Sharon supports, cares for, and coaches global workers strategically laboring where the worship of Christ does not yet take place. She is a lifeline for people serving in isolation and deep spiritual darkness.

Deb Michaud

Deb trains cross-cultural workers in conflict resolution, peer counseling, and provides care to Crossworld's international staff.

Lynn Newhouse

Lynn served cross-culturally for many years in Africa and Asia. Today, she provides spiritual formation training to cross-cultural workers, helping them stay strong and grow in their own spiritual lives so that the love of God overflows into the lives of those they serve.

Tom & Lisa Horn

The Horns serve with the Navigators in a shepherding role for staff living in eight Asia/Pacific countries. Through onsite visits and regular communication, they seek to help workers thrive in their personal life and ministry.

Dave & Mercedes Small

The Smalls are the founders of Spanish with a Vision, which seeks to share the gospel across the Dominican Republic through educational and evangelistic activities, specifically amongst domestic housemaids and Haitian immigrants.

Joey & Emily Cogliano

The Coglianos work at Ethnos 360 Bible Institute, training cross-cultural diciple makers to work where there is no church, nor any work being done to establish a church.  


Leah Darwin

Leah serves with Cru, working with women who have suffered betrayal and/or abandonment, giving them hope and help in a safe space. She trains people how to write their life stories, inviting them to co-write the rest of their story with the Holy Spirit.

Dave Moles

Dave works with Cru in The Coaching Center to help launch and build new ministries on high school and college campuses where no gospel centered witness for Christ yet exists.

Lisa Catton

Lisa serves with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes on the campuses of Eastern University and Conestoga High School, with the goal to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

Emily Frank

Emily serves as a graphic designer for Cru's in-house creative team, Creative 1 Media. The mission of C1M is to use imagination, creativity, and beauty to proclaim the truth about Christ to the world.

Jeff Whitebread

Jeff serves as State Minister with Capitol Commission Pennsylvania, with the goal to intentionally develop disciples and disciplers of Jesus Christ in the political arena through group and personal bible study, prayer initiatives, and various forms of service.