I am new

Sunday Worship Services are dedicated times to worship and deepen our relationship with God together:
9:00 am | Traditional Service
10:30 am | Modern Service


Community groups, New to COS? We have a community group that remains open year-round. For more information contact iamnew@coswayne.org
The COS Young Adults community is a group of young single and married people without kids who are post-college age through mid 30s. They also host activities throughout the month to build relationships and serve the community. Contact youngadults@coswayne.org for more details. 
Equipping Courses - Join a semester-long equipping course or an on-going class on Sunday mornings to connect with others and dive deeper into specific topics. Visit coswayne.org/courses for more information.
Discover COS meets the second Sunday of the month in the Reception Room (A120) after both the 9:00 and 10:30 am services to introduce new attenders to COS’ mission and ministries.
Contact our ministry team: iamnew@coswayne.org

Student Ministry

Middle and high school, meet for a time of prayer and fellowship every Sunday at 9:00 am.
Students also meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm for a fun night of games, fellowship, and Bible study. Service (Faith in Action) and outreach (Block Party) nights are included regularly to help our students develop deeper relationship with God and others.
Special events are hosted throughout the year to build community and provide opportunities to serve.
Visit our website: coswayne.org/students
Sign up for weekly parent emails or contact our Student Ministry Director: Jonathan Christman at jonathanc@coswayne.org

Kids Ministry

Kids Classes are offered during the Sunday Worship services and are available for:
  • 9:00 am | 4 months - 5th grade
  • 10:30 am | 4 months - 3rd grade
Kids in 4th grade & above are invited to join the family worship service (10:30 am) in the Sanctuary.
Awana is an interactive Bible teaching and activity time, which takes place on Tuesday evenings from September to May and is available for kids from 3 years - 5th grade.
Summer Camps are hosted throughout the summer:
More information is available at coswayne.org/kids
Contact our Kids Ministry Director: Katerina S. Rodgers at katerinar@coswayne.org or 484-584-2419.