Celebrate Recovery | Counseling | DivorceCare | Grief Share | Love-in-Action | Stephen Ministry | Visitation | Widows Gather Together
Care Ministries show the love of Jesus by serving the needs of those in our community who are suffering from the challenges of the broken world in which we live. It is our desire to offer care in ways that touch hurting lives, to encourage them in love to deepen their relationship with God and others.
Please email us with any questions; we are here for you.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is for anyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups and habits that hinder their relationships with God, others and themselves. We have all developed coping mechanisms to deal with brokenness; some are deceptive like codependency, control, overspending, or self-righteousness while others are more unambiguous like chemical dependence or a gambling addiction. Celebrate Recovery welcomes you to a safe place to find community and freedom.
Please join us Wednesday evenings, 5:30 - 7:30 beginning in the sanctuary in Building A (there is no childcare at this time) for a Christ-centered 12-step program based on the beatitudes so that you can experience life to the full—just as our good shepherd Jesus promised. Contact celebraterecovery@coswayne.org for further details and any questions and view this compelling introductory video.
Please join us Wednesday evenings, 5:30 - 7:30 beginning in the sanctuary in Building A (there is no childcare at this time) for a Christ-centered 12-step program based on the beatitudes so that you can experience life to the full—just as our good shepherd Jesus promised. Contact celebraterecovery@coswayne.org for further details and any questions and view this compelling introductory video.
For those with counseling needs, we would love to connect you to a trusted local licensed Christian counselor. Contact care@coswayne.org so that we can help assess and connect you with the appropriate counselor.
Divorce Care
Dates: Mondays, March 24 - May 26, 2025
Times: 7:15 - 9:15 pm
Location: Fellowship Hall (Room A112)
DIVORCE CARE LAUNCHES ON MARCH 24. Divorce Care meets in the Spring and Fall for twelve consecutive weeks on Monday evenings. We provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can process their experiences, receive encouragement, and move forward with renewed faith and strength. Register Here
Divorce Care is seeking volunteer leaders who have a deep desire to help people heal and grow from the heartache of divorce. Our faithful Divorce Care ministry leadership will be retiring after many years of helping people heal from the pain of broken marriages. If God might be nudging, you to serve as a volunteer for Divorce Care and if you would like to be interviewed for consideration, please contact Steven Thompson at Care@coswayne.org
Times: 7:15 - 9:15 pm
Location: Fellowship Hall (Room A112)
DIVORCE CARE LAUNCHES ON MARCH 24. Divorce Care meets in the Spring and Fall for twelve consecutive weeks on Monday evenings. We provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can process their experiences, receive encouragement, and move forward with renewed faith and strength. Register Here
Divorce Care is seeking volunteer leaders who have a deep desire to help people heal and grow from the heartache of divorce. Our faithful Divorce Care ministry leadership will be retiring after many years of helping people heal from the pain of broken marriages. If God might be nudging, you to serve as a volunteer for Divorce Care and if you would like to be interviewed for consideration, please contact Steven Thompson at Care@coswayne.org
Grief Share
Do you know someone suffering from the loss of a loved one? GriefShare is a 13-week seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one or close friend. Here you'll find a safe place to heal from your loss with others who understand what you are going through. For more information, go to griefshare.org and enter Wayne, PA, 19087, or you can contact info@coswayne.org.
Love-in-Action (deacons)
Church of the Saviour's Love-in-Action Ministry is funded by the generous gifts of the congregation to assist members and attenders with practical help, short-term financial support, and connections to various Christian and/or community resources. Contact with the Love-in-Action board should be made by calling the compassion line on 610.688.6338 (option 3), which is monitored daily by a deacon or deaconess.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry provides one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and community experiencing life's difficulties. Our Stephen Ministers are well trained, and experienced to provide hope and faith when life makes hard turns. If you are experiencing one of life’s many transitions (job loss, new baby, moving, beginning college, becoming an empty nester, loss of a spouse, divorce, new job, illness, newly married et al.) and would like to be paired with a Stephen Minister (or are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister yourself), please contact stephenministry@coswayne.org.
Do you know someone who needs encouragement, comfort or a sense of belonging? Our goal through visitation is to regularly check on and encourage our members who are unable to participate in corporate church life. If you know someone who could benefit from a personal call, handwritten card or in-home visit, please contact info@coswayne.org.
widows gather together
Join us for conversation and fun! The widows are gathering monthly the 3rd Sundays at 1:00 PM. Come for camaraderie and fellowship at the house of Rita McPeak in Berywn, 10 minutes from COS. The more the merrier! Come compare notes, ask questions, find out what others are doing, have a question how someone else is handling something, need a Recipe for anything, or just enjoy the company and laughs. We hope you take a break and come join us. Looking forward to seeing you. Deserts and beverages provided. For more information, contact Drew at Care@coswayne.org.