serving with minors

Church of the Saviour welcomes and values the dedication and service of our countless volunteers, without whom our ministries could not be sustained. Specifically, we thank the volunteers who unselfishly give of their time and talents to shepherd and love our children and take to heart what Jesus said in Matthew 19:14: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Pennsylvania Child Protective Services laws mandate specific clearances for adults who are individually responsible for the welfare of a minor or have “direct volunteer contact with children” (care, supervision, guidance or control of children, and have regular and repeated interaction with children that is integral to a person’s volunteer responsibility).

Why are clearances necessary? 
Required clearances help protect our children, volunteers, and church by identifying potential risks and deterring potential predators from access to our children. It is also the law, and, as followers of Christ, we are called to obey it (Romans 13:1).

How often must I renew my clearances? 
Currently, the law requires that all clearances be no older than 60 months (5 years).

For assistance with any forms or answers to questions, please contact:
Please see below for detailed instructions on each of the clearances.

Clearance One: Signed Policy: Church of the Saviour Child Safety Policy

In addition to the below clearances, we ask all volunteers to sign the below Child Safety Policy that includes the written guidelines for all child workers and volunteers serving at Church of the Saviour.

Clearance TWO: PA State Police

  1. Click "New Volunteer Record Check". Then check the box and click “Accept”.
  2. Fill out the required information.
  3. Once it is processed (this can be immediate or a couple of days), please send us the PDF of your clearance to

Clearance Three: PA Child Abuse History

1. Recall addresses where you, and individuals with you, have lived since 1975.
2. Select "Create Individual Account". OR “individual Login” If account is already created.
3. Create your own Keystone ID.
4. You will receive a confirmation email.
5. Click the link in the confirmation email to log into the CWIS system.
6. Select "Create Clearance Application".
7. Complete the questions.
8. e-signature is first name and last name only.
9. Check your email for a clearance submission confirmation.
10. In 1 to 14 days, when your clearance is complete, you will receive an email from
11. Please notify us when you receive that email.

Clearance Four: FBI Criminal History (fingerprints)

  1. Schedule your fingerprints to be taken by clinking above.
  2. The correct form will have "1KG738 - Pennsylvania DHS-Child Care Services/Program Employee or Contractor" near the top of the web page.
  3. When finished, print out the confirmation page and bring it with you to the fingerprinting appointment.
  4. Please give/send us your paid receipt, and we will have you reimbursed by the church for the full amount.
  5. After the fingerprinting, you will receive a letter in the mail; please scan and send that letter to us. (It may take two or three weeks to arrive.)

(for those who have not been a PA resident for the last 10 consecutive years) 

Cost: $22.60


VOLUNTEERS ONLY: If you have been a PA resident for 10 consecutive years, you have the option to sign an affidavit in the presence of a notary instead of getting fingerprinted. To complete the affidavit, please make an appointment with Cindy Casey (Tuesdays to Fridays, 10:00 am to 3:30 pm) and bring a photo ID.

Clearance Five: Mandated Reporter Training (MRT)

  1. Click "Don’t have an account? Click Here”
  2. Answer NO to “Are you currently licensed or will you be applying for a license within the next 6 months through one of the following Pennsylvania boards?” and “Are you an Educator seeking Act 126 and/or Act 48 credit?”
  3. Once you have created your account login.
  4. Although this training is directed toward early childhood staff, it is beneficial to anyone, so please answer the questions as best as you can.
  5. Once you login, confirm that your device’s speakers are working, then click "access your course".
  6. At the end of the training, please email your completion certificate in PDF format to

Ways to submit clearances and forms to Church of the Saviour

  • Mail: 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne, PA 19087, Attn: HR Department
  • Scan & email:
  • In person: Bring to the church office in Building B, Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
  • Church lobby: Place in the locked offering collection box in Building A (in sealed envelope marked "HR Department")